Saturday, March 16, 2013

20 Revolting Female Bodybuilders post 2



,When you think of female bodybuilders, the word “revolting” immediately springs to mind. For years, men have been drawn to taught, fit women. However, things get dicey when the line moves from taught and fit to “works out until one looks like an androgynous sea creature.” Well, guess which camp the residents of this list fall into? For months and months, we’ve given you, our dear readers, nothing but beautiful women. Well all that changes now. These women are beautiful in their own way, which is a nice way of saying that they’re beautiful in no way at all. Some of these images COULD be Photoshopped. Dear Lord, I hope that some of these images have been Photoshopped. Otherwise…yuck. Here are twenty women who could stand to put down the weights and maybe just stick to power pilates. Also, please note that I didn’t include the women’s names. Mostly because it’s mean. Actually, it’s mostly because names for photos are hard to look up and no one cares. But also because using . So I juxtaposed female celebrity names with the images. Fun, right?                                                                                                                          

20. Angelina

Thought we’d kick things off with a bang. Or a thud, whatever. Nice wall.

19. Scarlett

What the hell is going on downstairs here?

18. Halle

Her chest looks like a roadmap. And I don’t mean that in a good way.

17. Brooklyn

Yeah. “Woman.” Ok, whatever. That poor plant behind her…

16. Dakota

Just by wearing that outfit, this chick has completely ruined birds for me. Seriously. I’m never even eating chicken again

15. Mary Kate

.“It’s sexy time whether you want it or not. Now get over here and love me or I’ll break your wrists.”

14. Ashley

,This looks like a part of a photo essay on the Dust Bowl or something. Smile! You’re on camera!

13. Lindsay

“She wore an…itsy-bitsy, teenie, weenie…”

12. Mischa

This chick poses in the backyard like this every day and has driven down property values throughout the entire neighborhood.

11. Blake

,STOP! I see what you’re doing, and I’m respectfully asking you to stop what you’re doing right now. I DO NOT want this. -->

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